Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Valentines day cards

 Saw the cutest idea the other day here at So decided I'd copy cat. Here's Ts valentine this year

I started by taking a picture of him with his hand held out .. he thought I was crazy!

Then I edited it in my favorite site picnic (im sad they are closing) adding hearts and a boarder.

Sent it off to walmart and then punched holes above and below his hand and inserted the pencil. We went with a pencil because Ts school is very health conscious and doesn't allow candy.  Thats that!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My rendition of 52 things I love about you

Its all over Pinterest, so I gave it a shot! I think it came out pretty cute. Made for the hubbies birthday in two days. He unfortunately stumbled upon my list I had typed out but he didnt know what it was for. I got a reaction from him I didnt expect too. Sitting in the living room with the kiddos he walks in and gives me a big kiss. He says "I think I found your birthday gift to me" ... ah man your so nosy... well actually I accidentally left the screen up and didnt safe it. Totally worth it though because he said it made him tear up and it was really nice to see those things. He had a smile on his face the rest of the night.

Okay here it is...

I used one card as a template to punch all the other wholes

Once all your wholes are punched you want to create your sayings

I created mine in word using text boxes

Next I glued them to black card stock and then onto the card

Heres my finished product.. I also added a tissue paper heart and red straw

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Process of Organization

I have a few goals this year now that I am a SAHM! Gonna hit 2 just today. Blog more and be one of those ridiculously organized people with cuteness everywhere. So my first blog of the year will be on the process of organizing my home! Today I conquered my linen closet.



Thursday, April 14, 2011

I spy bottles -Garden themed

Got this idea from counting coconuts        I used small milk bottles the kids got in happy meals. I bought some buttons from Micheal's that are garden themed and also added some paper flowers. Im going to use this for a couple of my classes one is an infant/toddler class so these are perfect for sensory and then I'll adapt them for preschool age by making it a game. I took pictures of each item in the bottle and Im going to make a little book of the items. They will have to find each item from the pictures in their bottle. The pictures will also have the word so they can do some word association. All add pictures of the book I make when I finish it.
Clear plastic bottles
rice (plain and/or colored)
small themed objects (whatever theme you want) I found buttons are perfect because you can find them in almost any theme.
Dont forget to hot glue the cap!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Heres a fun math game to add to your math area. Children will match the number on the top half of the egg to the correct amount of dots on the bottom half of the egg. This gives them skills to recognize and match numbers. One-to-one correspondence and also matching colors.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Tornato in a bottle! (another extention on our weather unit)

This is one to add to the science area. I'd prefer to use two clear bottles but this is what I had to work with. I filled them 3/4s way with water and then added blue food color and some glitter. I'd recommend an actual drill to make your whole and lots of super glue! I used a pocket knife to make a 1/2' whole. A drill would have been SOO much nicer.. Tornato in a bottle tutoral..

Friday, March 25, 2011

Time-out does it work?

Heres a free webinar about time-outs and how unhealthy they are. Recently T has started coming home telling me they put him in the corner at school. Nothing boils my blood more... unless they were using a ruler or something. It just seems like torture to me. I should send a link to the school principle asking him to change his discipline tactics, seriously!
If your interested in what early childhood professionals are saying heres the link. 

Let me know your thoughts on time-outs and other forms of discipline.